The Australian Branch regularly hosts and sponsors events addressing topical issues in international
law and involving speakers who are working in the field of international law. News and
events are shared on this webpage, and on our social media accounts.
3007, 2014
REMINDER: Upcoming Queensland Event on Flight MH370 and International Law
On 7 August 2014, the Queensland Chapter of the International […]
2907, 2014
REMINDER: Upcoming Colloquium: Settlement of International Boundaries–Applying the principles to Australia, Timor-Leste and Indonesia in the Timor Sea
The International Law Association is proud to co-sponsor–with the International […]
2407, 2014
Latest Announcements
In this update: Conference: The strategic corporal re-visited–challenges for combatants […]
207, 2014
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 2015 Peter Nygh Hague Conference Internship
The Australian Institute of International Affairs and the Australian Branch […]
1806, 2014
Upcoming Events
Dear Members and Subscribers, There are a number of events […]
1905, 2014
Cross-posting: ICRC event in Melbourne on new technologies and the future battlefield
As part of the Humanitarium Research and Debate Cycle on […]